How to make a candidate suitable for a job


The process of looking for candidate may take a different amount of time, and its goal is always the same – to find the right employee for a long time (we do not speak about project vacancies now). The key word is “right”, but its mean “suitable”, because among the ten talented specialists only one will resonate.

One of the most popular ways to check for compatibility is a trial period. By the way, not only for the specialist and the owner of the company, but also the recruiting agency are interested in successful passage.

In fact, refusal to work (or vice versa – from a candidate) happens in approximately 10 cases out of 100. If the reasons are adequate (did not work well with the team, could not fulfill the expected amount of work, personal circumstances), then a 3-month warranty comes into effect for recruitment in exchange for the retired candidate. And this is not about the resumption of the search process – in fact, this is a large-scale work, including a detailed review of the application form, its adjustment, the preparation of a new pool of people, and so on.

In order to avoid such situations Recruit Alliance recommends:

Carefully check the application:

Be empathic, try to clearly understand what personal qualities the candidate must possess in order to be comfortable part of the team. To do this, you can go to the company to “look at the team”, search social networks, and discuss about hypothetical situations with a future supervisor.

Work with a list of candidate recommendations. Of course, it is necessary to proceed from a specific situation, but in most cases it is worth checking not only the last place of work, but also the previous one. Try to ask those questions that will help determine the real level of competence and areas of responsibility.

At least attend the first interview. First, learn more about the expectations of the client, and secondly, you will be the moral support of the candidate. Under stressful conditions, even an experienced top manager can “roll the wrong way” in conversation and spoil the overall impression. Help him, direct him to the conversation – you already know that he is the one who is needed. If the interview fails, you can do the work on the bugs.

Be ready for force majeure. It rarely, but it happens.

After receiving the candidate for a trial period, advise the parties to sign a detailed job offer, in order to clearly understand what the process participants expect from each other. It is worth mentioning:

For a period of probation, keep in touch with two parties. So you can help smooth out difficult moments, or perhaps remind you of mutual promises. And after all such, apparently, trifles influence the decision on admission to the staff / acceptance of the offer.