The success of a business is largely determined by properly selected, trained and motivated employees. Moreover, in the process of evaluating the investment attractiveness of a company, staff analysis is often carried out: if not all of the staff, then top management at a minimum.
Today it’s not so easy to find a really suitable and professional candidate. One of the reasons is the “demographic hole”, formed due to the economic situation of the late 80s – early 90s. The second is the ratio of professional / personal qualities. For example, an “average” specialist in terms of characteristics may turn out to be the soul of a team, and his more stellar colleague may be a conflict introvert. Much depends on the expectations of the client company, because at the first stage the recruitment agency tries to gather as much information as possible about each suitable candidate, including his personal characteristics. The next stage is the assessment, which allows you to understand whether the “best specialist = appropriate” scheme will work.
In short, according to Svetlana Ivanova’s book, The Art of Personnel Recruitment, there are 7 general personnel assessment methods:
- allocation which came to us from Soviet times and it is still happened in budget organizations. It is rather a lottery where, without any assessment of a new person, they are “thrown” him or her into a new team. “Allocation” does not help the workflow and may even worsen the atmosphere in the company.
- acquaintance – employment by recommendation. Cons of this method: the inability to impartially assess competence.
- random selection – recruitment without the participation of the hr-manager, conducted due to a sharp shortage of personnel. The case when you need to quickly find a manager, and there is no time for comparison or monitoring.
- intuitive – based on a person’s perception. A technique whose effectiveness is impossible to predict. A well-known fact: we like people like us more, although their professional qualities may not fit the application.
- delegated by a recruiter or other hiring specialist. He understands the features of corporate culture, the nuances of the future team, the situation on the labor market. In addition, in this case, the discussion will be collective (at least, a representative of the client company and a recruiting specialist), but the decision is personally for the head of the future employee.
- questioning (testing) – if time allows and there is enough experience in interpreting the results, then this method will be optimal. It is based on dry facts, although it admits its own nuances. Such as: the risk of demotivating the best specialist who does not want to bother, or get distorted facts from a candidate who is familiar with the logic of the questionnaires.
- interviews using different methods – practice, time-tested. It is not difficult to learn it, but you need to constantly keep abreast of news in hr, take training courses and have a great experience in recruiting staff.
More about what techniques work, we will tell in the following publications. If you can’t wait – order recruitment service from Recruit Alliance .