Who are HRDs and why could they become the best CEO for their company


We provide a brief translation of the material “Why HR Leaders Never Become the CEO, but Should,” which may be useful to recruiters planning to move from staffing to managerial functions.

A small introduction: we took up this text so that young people from recruiting agencies do not look at their profession as a temporary life stage. This article will help dispel doubts about the foggy future of hr. In addition, foreign practices are not the first to raise the topic of the prospects of working with staff and, in particular, the potential for vertical growth within the company.

In the modern world, the main assets of a company are its values, culture and team. Trends and technologies change too rapidly to make a single bet on them. At the same time, a well-coordinated team of professionals can quickly pick up a new vector of enterprise development and thereby help it stay afloat. Therefore, HR is always aware of what is happening inside and a lot depends on it.

There is an opinion that appointing an employee to the position of CEO is a reward or a bonus, but in fact it is a challenge that requires even more effort, talent and a desire to learn. To a greater extent – to become a team leader and competently manage it. However, if the CEO of an enterprise becomes the head of one of the areas, then he risks allocating resources incorrectly, focusing only on his specialization. This may result in:
– Incorrect distribution of staff load
– The collapse of the team due to incorrect leadership
– Loss of customers due to inability to build a dialogue

All these errors can be avoided by an expert in communications and human resources management – HRD. Moreover, he/she can:

On our own, we add that the ability of HRD to become CEO, at the moment, is low. But the movement in this direction has begun, and perhaps soon in Ukraine the situation will change dramatically.